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Commercial Property Management

Whether you have one commercial property, or several, Ross & Liddell can provide you with management services which serve you (and your tenants) in the best way possible.

Our experience in the commercial property sphere affords us years of experience. Whether you’re working with tenants on a pre-existing landlord/tenant relationship, or are existing co-proprietors, we provide the right level of contact to ensure a smooth management relationship to suit your needs.

Client Facing Management

Allowing us to take charge of your commercial property management doesn’t mean you have to be left out in the dark. We can communicate and report to you as often as you like, to ensure peace of mind.

Commercial Property Management Agents

Our agents know that every property has its own intricacies that make it unique. Having a ‘one size fits all’ approach doesn’t work when you need your commercial properties managed effectively. By liaising directly with you and knowing what your properties need, we can tailor a management service to meet your needs.

Assisting with Commercial Properties of All Sizes

We can offer a management solution for any type, or size of commercial property. Our experienced Chartered Surveyors and management staff can provide advice concerning most matters relating to the ownership of commercial property.

If you are looking to rent a commercial property, we have a list of commercial properties currently available.

Giving time back

All Landlords know that constant contact with tenants can reduce the level of free time they have, to continue managing their business smoothly. Let our Commercial Managing Agents lift that burden and work with your tenants, to assist with everything from repairs to contract renewals, without any bumps in the road.

Core management services generally include:

  • Rent collection & accounting to clients
  • Administrating and reconciling service charges
  • Credit control services
  • Ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and statutes
    (e.g. fire regulations, health and safety and disability discrimination)
  • Reviewing & advising on tenant applications for consent
  • Arranging insurance cover and recovering premiums
  • Implementing and monitoring contracted services
    (e.g. cleaning, lift maintenance, fire alarm maintenance)
  • Instructing planned and reactive repairs
  • Employing and supervising on-site staff
  • Carrying out regular inspections
  • Reporting on key dates such as lease expiry, rent reviews and contract renewals
  • Providing accurate and comprehensive information, as required

Commercial Property Maintenance

The level of maintenance required will vary from property to property, and we have the knowledge (and resources) to help landlords & co-proprietors get a better understanding of costs associated with cyclical and reactive maintenance, while finding suitable contractors to work on properties at a rate that you’ll be happy with.

Commercial property maintenance service for landlords

Our services for co-proprietors

Credit Control Services

You can keep things simple with our Credit Control Team at hand to take care of unpaid charges. Our rigorous procedures ensure that debt is chased quickly, and that we report to clients regularly on any debts and disputes, together with a plan of what steps are necessary to ensure that we get the money in.

We assist in ensuring that tenants/co-proprietors pay on promptly, by taking appropriate recovery measures as quickly as possible.

Find out more about credit control

Commercial Property Inspection

Ross & Liddell realise the importance of regular inspections, in order to identify issues as quickly as possible.  This allows us to react to issues, and solve problems quickly, and effectively. 

For Landlords, we generally inspect tenanted property annually, to ensure lease compliance.  Where the requirement for repairs is highlighted, we can assist in ensuring lease compliance by issuing repair notices, to ensure that action is taken by the tenant. 

For co-proprietors, this allows us to spot things like broken toilet seats, cleaning issues, bulbs out, rubbish left in common parts – all the little things that need attended to quickly, as well as any major issues.

The Experience Ross & Liddell Provide

We are a specialist property management company, with over 100 years of experience and knowledge. We are building on this history through investment in market-leading software, but more importantly through our staff’s hands-on approach in fulfilling the practical requirements of management, which we believe is the starting point to providing the professional, and comprehensive service which clients want.

Our straightforward approach involves clear communication and full reporting to clients on an agreed basis.

Should you require further information concerning the management service which we can provide, in respect to a specific property, or in general, please contact:

Jasmine A. McKenna
Associate Director - Commercial Property
Tel: 0141 204 7355