Home > Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

We aim to provide clients with a level of service which will be to their satisfaction, however, we recognise that this is not always possible and we have, therefore, put in place a defined complaints procedure, with a view to investigating and resolving clients concerns quickly and effectively.

In the first instance any queries, concerns, or issues, regarding our services should be raised with, and addressed with our Client Support Team, preferably in writing. In the event that our Client Support Team are unable to resolve any issue to your satisfaction, and in order to ensure that matters may be thoroughly investigated, a resolution sought and a definitive response provided, by the appropriate senior member of staff, we would ask that formal complaints be addressed as follows:

Property Management :

If you have a complaint regarding the Property Management services we provide, which you do not believe has been satisfactorily addressed by your Property Manager, you should initially escalate matters in writing, to Jennifer Johnston, Complaints Resolution Manager, 60 St Enoch Square, Glasgow, G1 4AW, by post, or by e-mail to j-johnston@ross-liddell.com(link sends e-mail).

We will carry out an initial review of your complaint and, where considered appropriate, we may contact you by telephone to discuss the issues raised and seek to resolve matters to your satisfaction.

In the event that the nature of your complaint requires a formal written response, or where initial discussions to resolve matters have been unsuccessful, we will provide a written acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 working days. Thereafter we will aim to respond fully to your complaint, in writing, within 15 working days from the date of our written acknowledgement. If this is not possible, we will provide you with an explanation and an amended timescale for replying to you.

If you remain dissatisfied, following receipt of our Complaint Resolution Manager’s formal written response to your complaint, you should provide written details of any outstanding issues, or concerns, together with details of your preferred resolution, to Jennifer Harkins, Director, Ross & Liddell, 60 St Enoch Square, Glasgow, G1 4AW.

Your referral will be acknowledged in writing, within 5 working days of receipt, and following a further review of your concerns, the company’s final response to your complaint will be issued within 10 working days, from the date of our acknowledgement. If this is not possible, we will provide you with an explanation, and an amended timescale, for providing a final response.

If, following our final written response, we have been unable to resolve matters to your satisfaction, and having exhausted our Complaint Resolution Process, you have the option to refer your complaint, to the Housing and Property Chamber First-tier Tribunal for Scotland, as provided by the Scottish Government.

Their website address is www.housingandpropertychamber.scot(link is external)  and their contact details are:-

Housing and Property Chamber

First-tier Tribunal for Scotland
Glasgow Tribunals Centre
20 York Street
G2 8GT

Email: HPCadmin@scotcourtstribunals.gov.uk