Home > Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement


The contents of this document will be reviewed periodically and updated as we consider appropriate. We will endeavour to attain these service levels no matter the circumstances and will work with clients to identify those service criteria most critical to their individual development and requirements.

Please download the current version above and view the PDF to find out more.


All previous versions of the current SLA are available on request.


A summary of the changes:-

First Issue – October 2012

1st Update – October 2013

  1. Pages 5/6 – Cover and Premiums & Claims details updated.
  2. Pages 9/10 – Transfer of Management updated.

2nd Update – April 2015

  1. Cover page amended to include all offices
  2. Page 3 – Emergency Works updated with new Loss Adjusters details
  3. Page 6 – New Section added – Property Owners Liability (POL)
  4. Page 6 – Claims updated with new Loss Adjuster
  5. Page 9/10 - Complaints Procedure updated, responsible persons added for the property management east and west divisions, and also the Insurance Services

3rd Update – December 2015

  1. Rebrand applied
  2. Contents re-indexed to make it more user friendly
  3. Section 1.c – Inspections updated
  4. Section 6.n – New heading added for Reinstatement Valuations
  5. Section 9 – Debt Recovery stages updated
  6. Section 13 – Insurance Services – paragraphed added detailing HOHP can also deal with beaches of factor’s duty in relation to insurances
  7. Section 14 – Transfer of Management updated

4th Update – May 2016

  1. Sections 1a/b/c of the December 2015 SLA moved to Section 10.iv/v/vi
  2. Section 1.i – Inspections updated
  3. Sections 5.k Account Disputes of the December 2015 SLA moved to a new Section 9 - Account Disputes
  4. Section 6.iii Insurance – Difference in Conditions section added
  5. Section 6.iv Insurance – Reinstatement Valuations renamed to Building sum insured and updated
  6. Section 6.v insurance – New section added for Material Facts
  7. Section 6.vi insurance – Claims updated
  8. Section 8.ii Accounting - Methods of Payment updated
  9. Section 9 Account Disputes – Debt recovery stages updated
  10. Section 12/13/14 Complaints procedures – updated
  11. Section 15 Transfer of Management – updated

5th Update – July 2016

  1. Section 6.iv insurance – Building sum insured updated
  2. Section 9.iv Account Disputes – New section added for court proceedings
  3. Section 10.i & 10.ii Communication – Telephone, Letters & E-mail updated
  4. Section 13 Complaints – HOHP contact details updated to new First tier Tribunal details

6th Update – December 2016

  1. Section 13 Complaints – HOHP contact details changed to First tier Tribunal details

7th Update – February 2017

  1. Section 7.11 Fees – Apportionment Fee updated

8th Update – April 2018

  1. Paisley Office removed from front page, and from Sections 10.vi & 12.ii
  2. Section 2.i - Emergency Works – Loss Adjusting details updated
  3. Section 6.iii - Difference in Conditions replaced with the Request for non-renewal of building insurance section
  4. Section 6.iv - New Section added for Evidence of insurance
  5. Section 6.v - Building sum insured updated
  6. Section 6.vii – Claims, Loss adjusting details updated
  7. Section 6.viii - Insurance commission updated
  8. Section 7.ii - Apportionment Fee updated
  9. Section 8.ii – Methods of Payment updated
  10. Section 16 - Data Protection – New section added

9th Update – April 2019

  1. Section 13 – Complaints updated – Mr Fulton's details removed and Andrew J Cunningham's details updated

10th Update – June 2019

  1. Section 13 – Complaints updated – A new Complaints Manager has been identified for each of the Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee Office

11th Update – July 2020

  1. Section 14 – Complaints updated – Mrs Rita Glendenning, Associate Director, was replaced by Gordon McGlone

12th Update – January 2021

  1. Section 10.v1 - Out of hours contact updated
  2. Section 13 – Complaints updated – A new Complaints Procedure has been put in place, applying to all offices, with Senior Property Manager for each Management Team, now addressing initial formal complaints. Complaints Manager, Ms Jennifer Johnston, appointed to investigate and review escalated Complaints and provide a final response, on behalf of the company, under our amended Complaints Procedure. Individual office contacts, and Mr Andrew Cunningham, removed from procedure and replaced with Complaints referral details by office address, and Ms Jennifer Johnston contact details.

13th Update – February 2022

  1. Section 1.i – Inspections updated
  2. Section 2.i – Questgates Loss Adjusters and contact details updated
  3. Section 2.ii – Routine Repairs contact details updated
  4. Section 3 – Cost of Repairs updated
  5. Section 5.iii – Sinking Funds updated
  6. Section 6.iv – Evidence of Insurance updated
  7. Section 7.ii – Apportionment Fees updated
  8. Section 8.iii – New section added, Property Sales, this details the arrangements \ timings for the apportionment of  your final account  
  9. Section 10 – Communication Arrangements updated
  10. Section10.i – Telephone details updated
  11. Section 10.iii – In Person updated
  12. Section 11 – Declaration of Interest, building Surveyors removed
  13. Section 12 – Complaints Procedure updated
  14. Section 13 – Property Management Complaint heading renamed to Property Management Formal Complaint Escalation.  Contact and First Tier details updated.
  15. Section 14 – New Section inserted, CONTRACTOR COMPLAINTS
  16. Section 15 – Insurance Complaints updated
  17. Section 16 – Transfer of Management updated
  18. Section 17 – Data Protection renamed to Privacy Notice. ICO registration number and contact details added

14th Update – June 22

  1. Section 13 – Complaint escalation contact updated

15th Update – November 22

  1. Section 6.viii – Insurance Commission and Return Premiums Updated
  2. Section 15 – Insurance Complaints updated
  3. Section 16 – Common Insurance Policy updated as at Termination

16th Update – November 22

  1. Section 9.v – New Section for Notice of Potential Liability added

17th Update – February 24
       1. Section 10. – Communication arrangements updated to reflect Live Chat.
       2. Section 1 i. – Update to reflect Property Inspectors now carrying out inspections.
       3. Section 12 – Contact encouraged via Client Support Team. 

18th Update - June 24

       1. Section 3 – Cost of repairs - Amendment to include water ingress repairs up to value of £2000.
       2. Section 9 – change from E-Mail contact Live Chat