AN Edinburgh quilting club has received vital funding from a bursary scheme, established by a local property management company.
The Warm Hearts Quilting Club, which is based in Holy Cross Church Hall, makes quilts for charitable organisations, including homeless shelters, hospices and people in need.
Members applied to the Community Bursary Scheme set up by Ross and Liddell, which has an office in Edinburgh’s Clifton Terrace, for funding to help purchase inter-lining for blankets that are being made for their latest project.
Angela Mitchell, volunteer at The Warm Hearts Quilting Club, said: “We are currently making a quilt for each bed at St Columbas Hospice, which treats people who are terminally ill. At present patients are in temporary accommodation while the original hospice is being extended and refurbished
“Our aim is to have our project completed in time for the opening of the new hospice in Spring 2014.”
The club has more than 15 volunteers who meet every Monday afternoon to work on the quilts, which are created from scrap material.
Angela added: “The group plays an important part in people’s lives, offering members the chance to learn new skills and it’s also a great way of connecting with other charitable organisations. We are extremely grateful to Ross and Liddell for its support and this funding will go a long way in helping us with our project.”
Ross and Liddell specialises in property management and maintenance, as well as providing a comprehensive range of residential and commercial services, including sales, lettings, surveying and insurance.
Irene Devenny, managing director of Ross and Liddell, said: “Supporting the vital work of local community groups is key for Ross and Liddell and The Warm Hearts Quilting Club is an excellent example of a club making a difference in Edinburgh.
“Their aim to make enough quilts for the new St Columbas Hospice is a fantastic idea, and one which will be greatly appreciated by all the patients who are treated there.
“We wish them all the best for the rest of the project and look forward to seeing some of the creations.”
The Bursary Programme is now in its third year and was launched to provide support to organisations that make a vital difference in their community.
The initiative has attracted a significant number of applications from a wide range of community groups and charities across the country